Meet Simon!
Transportation Director
I have worked in insurance for 35 years. There isn’t anything I haven’t done in the haulage sector: new start ups, CCJ, major convictions, complicated contracts, no claims bonus’ conversions to fleets, and a lot more.
I have worked for brokers of all sizes and held senior positions in large corporate brokers, but my passion is for the small independent broker where I can make a difference and give clients the service they need.
I have specialised in haulage for the last 20 years and have developed a product which not only provides insurance solutions, but takes account of the full risk management of the haulage business.
Please contact me today on 07841 020 435 or by email Simon.horton@ascendbroking.co.uk

Meet Lawrence!
Motor Expert
I am a straight-talking ex haulier who still holds a class 1 HGV licence.
You really should not be purchasing insurance online without discussing the exact cover you need and having someone who understands the vehicles you drive, the ins and outs of RHA, CMR, UKWA, loading and unloading, and much more.
Call me anytime for a chat on 07736 956 213 or by email Lawrence.fuller@ascendbroking.co.uk

Meet Steve!
Logistics Expert
A seasoned connoisseur in the realm of logistics insurance. Originally from the brisk winds of the Northeast, Steve has made his home in the South.
Insurance is not just a policy for Steve; it’s peace of mind for his clients. Specialising in freight forwarders, goods in transit, and niche motor fleets, he knows that the devil is in the details—from RHA, CMR, and UKWA compliance, to the specifics of loading and unloading procedures.
He insists on crafting coverage that fits like a glove, through a detailed understanding of each client’s unique needs. He’s your on-call 24/7 specialist, ready to delve into the complexities of your situation and ensure you have the right cover, without the risks that come from impersonal online purchases.
Please contact me today on 07719 069 267 or by email steven.gillespie@ascendbroking.co.uk
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What our clients say
Everyone loves positive feedback - we are no exception! Fortunately, there’s no lack of positive comments
from our consulting clients. Here's just a sample:
Lawrence provided me with first class advice and talked me through the correct goods in transit & vehicle cover I required to fulfil my contracts. Not only did he put my mind to rest you actually also saved me £5,000 from an online website – highly recommended
Single new business start up
Having been referred to Simon he found a solution for me on the 5 new vehicles we had purchased. Delighted with the result and dealing with real people that understand haulage
5 vehicle fleet solution
I called Haulage Protect on a Saturday, spoke to Matt and he sorted out the solution whilst he was taking training with his sons football team. Goods in Transit for a high value car movement for £500k done within 10 minutes
Last minute rescue
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